Speed Up Windows 10 (Updated February 2021).Windows 10 running slow on 4gb ram free

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How to Fix Slow Windows 10 & Improve Performance – 200% Faster PC.Windows 10 running slow on 4gb ram free


On the next page, disable the toggle for Game Mode. An antivirus checks file integrity in the background, which in turn eats disk usage. Having multiple antiviruses will further make your computer slow. Installing an antivirus on Windows 10 is avoidable as the OS comes with Windows Defender pre-installed. In case, your PC is attacked by some rogue virus and Windows Defender is unable to remove it then we recommend installing Malwarebytes to clean up your PC.

Malwarebytes will speed up Windows 10 and also remove malware and rogue programs. Of all the options, we start with the Power Options. Change Power Plan 1. You should now see a performance jump on your Windows 10 PC. It uses computers on the local network to transfer chunks of Windows update files to the nearby PC. If you keep it turned on, then your PC may be used as a node to connect with other PC for sending update files.

Also, it eats your bandwidth bringing down the overall performance of your PC. So, to turn it off and drastically speed up Windows 10, follow the steps listed below: 1. Change Privacy Settings 1. It will prevent your PC from sending huge amounts of data in the background. Note: There are many options under the Privacy Settings.

We recommend you go through each menu and decide if you want to hand over your data to Microsoft. If not, disable it then and there. It will stop constant telemetry in the background and may offload some resources from your PC, hence boosting the Windows 10 performance. Disable Windows Update Asking users to disable Windows Update is not sound advice as there can be security implications.

However, Windows is terrible at handling updates and makes the PC slow altogether. Also, Windows keeps downloading and transferring huge files in the background , which significantly slows down your PC.

So it is better to disable the update and turn it on, only when you want to update your Windows 10 machine. It will offload unnecessary background processes and will notably speed up Windows So to disable Windows 10 updates, follow these steps. Press Windows and R keys at once on your keyboard.

Type services. The Services window will open. Note: While the above steps are good to stop the current cycle of Windows update, it gets reactivated after a while. To fully disable Windows update, you have to block it using the firewall. I have written an extensive guide on how to completely block Windows update. It helps Windows in finding the file quickly when you hit the search button.

However, on older PCs, the indexing process eats up too many resources and makes the PC remarkably slow. Note that if you are using a Windows PC with powerful configs, then disabling indexing will not make a considerable difference.

The reason I am recommending you to disable indexing is that having good performance all the time outweighs searching quickly once a day.

So the bottom line is, if you are using an old PC with low configs, then go ahead and disable indexing to speed up Windows 10 PC. Note: The popular myth is that disabling indexing turns off Windows search.

But that is simply not true. You can still search on your Windows PC, however, it will be a tad slower. The C: drive will then start deindexing and will take some time to complete the task.

The time depends on how long you have been using your PC. It may vary from 5 to 30 minutes. Now to completely disable indexing, open the Services window by pressing Windows and R keys.

Here, type services. Debloat Windows 10 Of late, Windows has become incredibly bloated with useless apps and services.

These apps take up crucial RAM, processing power, and disk space. It significantly slows down the system, leaving you with a laggy mess. So, we are using Administrator privilege and Execution Policy as a workaround to remove such apps and services. Here are the steps to do it, which will finally speed up Windows 10 significantly. Note: We are using an automated PowerShell script to debloat Windows Also, make sure you are using Windows on your Administrator account for this to work.

Extract the ZIP file and open it. On the first run, it will ask if you want to grant Execution Policy permission to the script. Now Windows 10 Debloater window will open. It will start removing such apps and services. The process will take some time to complete so keep patience.

Also, you will be prompted with many dialogues during the process to re-confirm your action. So keep a check on your PC during the process. After the debloating process is complete, simply restart your PC. Now Windows 10 will become completely bloat-free without unnecessary apps.

This will significantly increase your computer speed running Windows Keep a Check on Background Processes More often, some unknown processes keep running in the background and cause your Windows 10 PC to slow down. So make a habit to check the background process through the Task Manager whenever you feel the PC is not performing well. You can click on each label to sort the processes in descending order.

If you find some rogue process eating up your Disk or CPU to an unusual degree, then end the process right away. And If some unnecessary app is causing the spike then consider uninstalling it altogether from the Control Panel. This way you will always be in control of your PC and it will eventually speed up your Windows 10 PC. However, it is well-known that Chrome is a resource hogger. It eats up most of my computer resources, making it slow and overall laggy.

Recently, Microsoft unveiled its Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser, and it looks awesome. The performance is on par with Chrome, and unsurprisingly, it consumes less power and resources than Google Chrome.

The best part is that you can install Chrome extensions on the new Edge browser , so you are not missing out on much. I have written a short guide on installing the Chromium-based Edge on Windows 10 , so check it out. I am pretty sure that you might like it. Switch to an SSD I believe Windows 10 is a great operating system — almost as good as the macOS — but it has been marred by sloppy hardware over the years.

Most of us use Windows 10 on a mechanical hard drive HDD , which is quite slow, and further results in sluggish performance. However, swapping it with a modern-age solid-state drive SSD speeds up Windows 10 to a far greater degree. As they say, you cannot replace the hardware with software. I am confident you will notice a sea-level change in daily operations and overall tasks. We started with some basics and have gone through the advanced steps as well.

If you want to completely speed up Windows 10 without any bloatware, go through all the points mentioned in this article. I am pretty sure it will offload your PC from massive resources. In case you are not a pro user, you can skip debloating Windows 10 as it requires some technical knowledge of Windows All in all, if you liked the article and want to see a similar guide on other operating systems, then do let us know in the comment section below.

Apart from adjusting the settings, you will also get to know different tweaks to fix slow computers. After making the following changes, you will notice the high speed of your PC. There are some PC tuneup software are available but they do minimal work and some ask you to shed cash on their apps. This tuneup software can remove the junk from your computer, can delete unused registry entries, or help you to remove the leftover of uninstalled programs.

But software cannot adjust the settings of your Windows 10, you have to manually change these settings to make Windows 10 faster again. Improvisation, making things more interesting and attractive leads to more energy consumption. Here, Windows has improved a lot in terms of attractiveness then simultaneously, it uses more power, extra RAM space, and slows down the functionality. Follow these steps to disable the animations and effects to improve the performance of Windows Type sysdm. The system properties window will pop up.

Here switch to the Advanced tab, and then click on the Settings button which you can see under the Performance section. A new window will appear on which you can choose the settings you want to use for the appearance and performance of Windows 10 on this computer. Click on Apply button to make changes. If you want to improve windows 10 performance by keeping a better appearance then you can uncheck the following options. Once you uncheck the given options then you will definitely notice major improvements in the performance and it will also improve the gaming experience.

Did you know there are many unnecessary programs that startup with windows and slow down the system performance? Yes, there are such programs but no need to worry about it as they can be disabled. Disabling such programs is a very easy task with the below steps. Open Task Manager by right-clicking on the Start button and from the options click on Task Manager to launch it.

Click on the Startup tab and choose unwanted startup programs from the list and hit the disable button to disable these startup programs. Now, you need to restart your computer to apply the changes. Restart later after doing everything mentioned in this article. You will definitely notice the change in the processing speed of your Windows 10 PC.

You will find this idea very useful and fruitful when once you try this on your system. With my experience, I would advise you to follow this step which will lead to speed up the processing of files and folders. It will launch the Folder Options window. Here you need to click on the Options which is listed at the end. Alternatively , you can also search Folder Options in the Start menu search bar, and when you see it in search click to launch it quickly. It will launch another File Explorer Options window.

Once done, click on Apply button and then OK. If you love performance more than looks then should try this option.

Microsoft introduces the transparency feature in Windows 7 and improvises for Windows 10 to maintain the beauty factor. You can disable this by using simple steps mentioned below. Try this out:. Launch the Settings apps from the Start Menu of Windows After that click on the Personalization and then click on the Colors options on the left panel.

On the right pane, look for. This is one of the useful pieces of information which every Windows 10 user must know. In this case, the system memory will burst out, which in return cause issues. So it is highly advisable to maintain at least ten percent of the total space free to maintain the performance. If your windows 10 running slow then remove data that is not required, make a backup of movies, photos, and videos on an external drive.

To remove temporary and other unnecessary files, make a habit of using Disk Cleanup utility. I love the notification sound of my laptop when it reminds me of the low battery power but I do not like it much when it is not required such as while plugging or unplugging the flash drive.

You can disable all or some of these sound notifications. Alternatively, Make a right-click on the Sound icon in the notification area at the bottom-right side of the screen, and from the options click on Sounds to launch the system sounds setting window. In the Sound window, choose None from the sounds dropdown list after selecting the desired program which you want to disable.

In case, you wish to disable the sounds from all notifications then you can also choose No Sounds from Sound Scheme. You must be aware of the applications installed in your system but, in Windows 10, there are some pre-installed modern apps that keep themselves running in the background and make Windows 10 slow.

Here are few options which can help you in uninstalling the apps. There are different pre-installed apps that you might not be using, you can uninstall those apps in order to save computing resources and some space to fix slow Windows When you start your Windows computer it does load certain services from Microsoft as well as from third-party software installed into your computer.

It may cause a slow startup and shutdown of Windows Also, Windows deploy minimal resources to start your computer as the number of CPU cores to start the Windows. By default, it is set to use only 2 cores of CPU even if you are running an octa-core processor. Type in msconfig and hit OK. You will get the System Configuration Window. Click on the Boot tab and select your operating system. Now click on Advanced options. Check the box beside the Number of processors and select the maximum available cores on your PC.

Also, check the Maximum Memory option and it will automatically select the maximum memory depending on the size of RAM into your computer. Now go to Services Tab and check the option to Hide all Microsoft services. You will now see the services by third-party software. Here you can untick most of the services except antivirus and some programs which need to run at startup. After making the changes you need to click on Apply then OK. Restart the computer to make changes effective.

To make your PC friendlier to you, Operating System collects information regarding you at the backend such as your typing behavior, account information, credentials. But it is true that the whole process also affects overall system performance. You can configure the privacy settings in Windows 10 which improves the performance of your system. Normally, you can manage privacy settings during the time of installation, but in case, you have not done that during the installation, you can still configure privacy settings.

Here is what you need to do:. Here you will find privacy settings for all the components of the Windows 10 operating system.



How to Speed up Windows 10 in [Effective Methods] | Beebom.Windows 10 High Memory Usage [Causes and Solutions] [Partition Magic]


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Featured Deal: Be more productive with this refurbished iPad mini 4 deal. Posted 08 November - AM. It wasn't that slow when i first got it. Sometimes, having one tab open in chrome while having my word documents open in MS word will cause my entire laptop to freeze up and the screen turns black taskbar can still be seen.

Necessary programs like windows photo viewer are not shown. I need python, anaconda and java, eclipse IDE for programming, Photoshop for designing Any program i can safely remove? MS word, powerpoint and oneNote are needed for class too.

I have tried defragging but it was done very quick, had no effect on my laptop speed. I use ccleaner to clear browser cache, temp files and old windows log files. No effect. Files of previously uninstalled programs are deleted from the Program Files folder. As you can see from the image below chrome is the only active app and it's already freezing up.

Your laptop is reasonable spec and gets good reviews. It might struggle with Photoshop or your programming but should have no problem with Chrome or Word.

Might be a hardware fault but unlikely. Try a factory reset and see how it performs before you start installing all your programs.

If you installed the full Enterprise version for use with Python it is a miracle it runs at all on that laptop:. Posted 08 November - PM. I suspect you need much more than 4GB RAM with all of the programs you need and need the flexibility to multi-task sometimes.

Does Lenovo have the ability to optimize how the computer preforms? I know I've already asked about this, but please run Lenovo's system to check your computer. I don't have a Lenovo computer but if I remember correctly there is a blue button in which it's possible to bring that up. Another one to refer to. What version are you running? Community Forum Software by IP. Sign In Create Account. Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Register a free account to unlock additional features at BleepingComputer.

Welcome to BleepingComputer , a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site.

Click here to Register a free account now! Started by blondboi , Nov 08 AM. Please log in to reply. Posted 08 November - AM Your laptop is reasonable spec and gets good reviews. If you installed the full Enterprise version for use with Python it is a miracle it runs at all on that laptop: Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repos itory Requirements. Edited by cmptrgy, 08 November - PM. Posted 08 November - PM Check for viruses. Reply to quoted posts Clear.

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